The Devil has taken over the Church!The year was 1985. The country was Catholic – though nothing compared to what it had been two decades earlier. Now, almost four decades later, the description Catholic barely applies. Tragically, the Catholic Ireland of 1965 was a hundred times more Catholic than today. In 1985, when Ireland was still Catholic, though rapidly losing the faith, a burst of supernatural activity was reported. It began in February: a statue of the Virgin moved. Although it wasn’t until the summer before this phenomenon exploded with Ballinspittle being the most well-known. The media dubbed all of these as “moving statues.” However, several sites should be viewed as classical Marian apparitions. The events at Melleray Grotto fall into this latter category wherefrom the essay’s title is taken. The actual message of August 22 from Melleray Grotto is:
“If the world does not improve, the Devil will take over God’s Church in ten years.”1
There are three things to consider: i) the exact sense of "the Devil," ii) what it means to “take over the Church” and iii) how to properly interpret “ten years.” The timing element will be considered first, which can be either literal or approximate, because symbolic doesn’t make sense here. A literal time span would be very extraordinary, something incongruent to Melleray Grotto, which doesn’t have the characteristics of a major apparition. Further, literal dating in prophesies are rare. This leaves “ten years” as an approximate value. A message from two days earlier demonstrates that this is the case.
“The world has ten years to improve. It must improve ten times.”2
The meaning of “ten times” is clear. Namely, the world must greatly improve. The messages were given in English and presumably with an Irish brogue. “Ten times” is often used as an idiomatic expression. The same goes for “ten years.” It generally denotes an indeterminate span, something expected in the near future, but only intended as a rough number. Here, as private revelations seldom scrupulously reveal the future, the range could be fairly wide. Did it take 28 years before the prophecy was fulfilled, or 27.556164384 years3 to be precise? Pope Francis was elected on March 13th, 2013, a month after Pope Benedict resignation: whose announcement was curiously consummated by St. Peter's Basilica being struck by lightning twice just hours later. This brings up what it means for the Devil to take over the Church. This cannot refer to the rise of Anti-Christ since his time hasn’t arrived (e.g. see here for the reason why not, plus another example of "ten years" in private revelation). Regarding "the Devil," while this does refer to Satan and his minions, the visible aspect of this is his agents within the Church together with those having influence over the Church. But things don't happen overnight. Two dissident priests have been cited as being instrumental in destroying Ireland's faith, long before 1985. So when 66.4% voted (a .2% miscount?) to legalize abortion in 2018, this didn't happen in a vacuum. Although vacuum apparatuses were involved in some of the 6,666 abortions that were performed in Ireland the following year.
Interior Vatican Brickwork
That abortion law exemplifies the secularization largely stemming from Russia's errors of materialistic atheism as prophesized at Fatima. But moreover and earlier, this was pushed for particularly by Freemasonry. Fr. Charles Murr recently authored: "Murder in the 33rd Degree: The Gagnon Investigation into Vatican Freemasonry." This book names two Freemasons that had infiltrated the hierarchy. One was Cardinal Sebastiano Baggio. He was the Prefect of the Congregation of Bishops from 1973 to 1984, and thus compiled the list of Bishop candidates for the Pope to select from. In effect, he was picking the Bishops, which were predominately "very liberal"4 with some Freemasons likely thrown in for good measure. The destruction from their actions is incalculable and is still on-going. Though Cardinal Baggio's direct influence is now fading with the tail end of his picks, such as Cardinal Gregory Wilton, now being close to retirement. However, the ordination of bad Bishops continued under Pope John Paul II even after Cardinal Baggio was ousted. To cite an incident from the early 90's, a fuming Father Pablo Straub told this author that "He is still getting burned..." before adding the consoling line to his shocked listener: "But it's getting better. It's getting better..." It took years for JPII to figure out who he could trust. Backtracking, Bishop Édouard Gagnon was called by Pope Paul VI to investigate the Roman Curia. His investigation spanned three years: 1975 to 1978. When completed, Gagnon brought his report to the ailing Paul VI, who deferred it to his successor. This soon was to be Pope John Paul I. When elected, Gagnon's investigation was made known to him and followed the advice to respond. Delighted, Bishop Gagnon brought John Paul I the results of his investigation. The report described three major problems. The first being Cardinal Baggio; the second being the Masonic plot by the Italian P2 to destroy the Vatican Bank; and finally a few other things: people who shouldn't be there, etc. John Paul I listened and then consulted with Cardinal Giovanni Benelli, who said to get rid of Baggio. The Pope personally called Cardinal Baggio, who was "busy." But John Paul persisted and Baggio eventually agreed to come to the Apostolic Palace that evening. During the one hour meeting, the two Swiss Guards heard Baggio shouting at the Pope, and Baggio left furious. The Pope died of a heart attack a few hours later. Father Murr later asked Gagnon if he thought the Pope was murdered. He answered: "You know Charles, there are many ways of killing a man..." I down, II to go. To a shocked world, a new conclave was convened, which elected Cardinal Karol Wojtyła who took the name John Paul II. Having lived through the Nazi occupation and then Communist rule, this Polish Archbishop knew their propaganda well and readily dismissed allegations against the clergy as coming from them. So when he met with Gagnon, John Paul II didn't believe and laughed at the warning of a plot to assassinate him. Bishop Gagnon didn't want to sit and watch this happen: he resigned the next day. Three years later, the Pope would survive four bullets wounds and Hepatitis per blood transfusion. After coming out of the coma, it is said that John Paul II turned to the nearest and drawled: "Find Gagnon." In any case, Gagnon came to Rome and agreed to work for JPII provided he got rid of Baggio. The Pope promised though it took three years to remove him with Gagnon being made a Cardinal one year later. Archbishop Annibale Bugnini was the other Freemason named by Fr. Murr. And actually, he is the start of the Gagnon story. Two Cardinals in 1975, Dino Staffa and Silvio Oddi, brought documents to Paul VI that essentially proved Bugnini was a Freemason. Paul VI ordered Cardinal Benelli to investigate, who confirmed their conclusion. Thus, Bugnini's position was eliminated and he was shipped off to Iran. However three years prior, Pope Paul VI already knew something was amiss when he famously stated "the smoke of Satan has entered the Church of God." But the Bugnini episode left Paul VI further disturbed. While discussing, Cardinal Benelli suggested the entire Roman Curia be thoroughly investigated. The Pope said yes, and Benelli recommended Gagnon, who soon was conducting the investigation... Returning to Bugnini, his involvement with liturgical changes dates back to 1948. He had already been "ousted" by Pope John XIII in 1962 via his chair dismissal at the Lateran University and removal from the secretaryship of the Conciliar Liturgical Commission, only to be resurrected by Paul VI before finally being "promoted" to get rid of him. The accusations against Bugnini go back decades, but it was only in 2020 that strong evidence has come forth, which Father Murr's eyewitness account confirms. There is great significance that Bugnini was, quite evidently, a Freemason. He was one of the principle architects of the modifications to the Sacraments associated with Vatican II and especially with the creation of the new Mass. In 1966, the same year Anton LeVey founded the Church of Satan, Annibale Bugnini together with two other members of the Consilium wrote a Memorandum detailing a new Mass, which was nearly identical to what Paul VI promulgated three years later5. Some corrections have since been made. But image a man gaining control of the liturgy whose goal in life was to destroy the Catholic Church. The subsequent devastation should therefore not be surprising in the least. It is in such ways that the Devil has been gaining control for years. After Vatican II, the Curia has become increasingly corrupt with the Vatican Bank scandal still not ended. Pope John Paul II focused his efforts elsewhere, leaving the Curia to fester whereas Pope Benedict did make efforts to reform things – with Archbishop Carlo Viganò then entering the stage. But on what grounds can it be said the Devil has actually taken over the Church?
Three Popes or Four?
The Garabandal prophecy of the three Popes provides an insight. After learning of Pope John XXIII's death, Conchita with her mother (Aniceta) headed to church. Along the way, the Blessed Virgin Mary told Conchita: "After this Pope, only three remain; and then [will come] the end of times." However, this was immediately qualified by "She wasn't counting one of them." Aniceta asked why one wasn't counted to which Conchita replied because "he would govern the Church for a very short time." So were there three Popes or four left? For the next fifty years, the number was predominately interpreted as three, which included the one that will only reign a short time. The list was thus: Paul VI, John Paul I and John Paul II wherein John Paul I only reigned 31 days before meeting with Freemason Cardinal Baggio and then died the next day (or possibly the same). In any case, this would make John Paul II the last Pope with Benedict XVI the Pope of "the end of times." However, it is reasonable to interpret the list of three to exclude the Pope the Virgin didn't count. The list of three becomes: Paul VI, John Paul II and Benedict XVI. Indeed, the esteemed Garabandalist Albrecht Weber in his book Garabandal: The Finger of God (1993), states the number was originally four. This was confirmed by Jose Luis Saavedra in his scholarly work: Garabandal Message of Hope (2017). It is based on two letters he received from a prominent authority on Garabandal named Santiago Lanús, who had confirmed in 2013 that everything "that Mr. Albrecht Weber (witness and friend of Conchita) affirms... has recently been confirmed by Conchita in private." Moreover, Glenn Hudson cites the Albrecht Weber's interview of Conchita from the day after the last apparition (November 14th, 1965). Before indicating one wasn't being counted, the Virgin actually said there would be "four more Popes". Hudson is the founder of The Message of Garabandal and a close friend of Conchita. The drama behind the "last" Pope is striking. Albrecht Weber's book has only been published in its original German. Evidently, it wasn't until 2017 that the English speaking world really got wind of this. But there is more. There are three prophesied signs related to the "end of times." The first is that an important synod will take place. The Virgin told Conchita this during Vatican II, an era when synods were rare. But near the close of the Council, Paul VI established the institution of the synod of Bishops, which since has resulted in sixteen Ordinary General Synods. But it is fairly apparent the Synod on Synodality is the "important" one: Pope Francis has said that synodality will be key for the Church in the future. The second sign is the Pope "will go to Russia, to Moscow. As soon as he returns to the Vatican, hostilities will break out in different parts of Europe." This also comes from the Albrecht Weber interview mentioned above, as well as Jacques Serre's book6 from 1999. The last indicator deals with Communism and echoes Fatima, which also mentioned only Russia by name. From an October 19, 1982 interview, Mari Loli stated: "It would look like the communists have taken over the whole world and it would be very hard to practice the religion, for priests to say Mass or for the people to open the doors of the churches." Further, the Virgin Mother told Conchita that everything will happen "when communism comes again," but didn't explain what "comes again" meant. This is striking because Russian Communism was then considered the main threat. It wasn't until the Revolutions of 1989 followed by the Soviet Union dissolution in 1991 that Communism went away, albeit only in a limited fashion. For Communism was still on the rise in China, and in Russia as well since Putin would be President before the decade ended. We are in the midst of the Synod on Synodality: slated to run from 2021 to 2024 [now completed]. It is well known that Pope Francis hopes to go to Russia soon. Global war is basically a question of how soon. Truly, "the end of times" is at our doorsteps. With much drama, Benedict XVI was the last Pope. His historic resignation was only surpassed by the subsequent (silly) denials of his resignation's validity. And now, the last Pope has passed to his eternal reward: on the last day of the year. This was the very day that Boris Yeltsin resigned unexpectedly 23 years earlier, which left Vladimir Putin as the acting President. In retrospect, the Catholic Church wasn't as lucky: we got Pope Francis. Technically, Francis was the harbinger of "the end of times" upon his election. But Heaven's exclamation point indicates events are readying to spring into action. While partly obscure, "end of times" has a fairly clear meaning: it is when the Warning, Miracle and Permanent Sign will happen. The ten secrets from Medjugorje will also unfold. The Era of Peace will follow. It will be the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. However, Garabandal is silent on the aftermath of its prophecies. Just as it is silent on the nature of the papacy after the last Pope. Yet, there seems to be an implication that Rome won't be so rosy after the last Pope. This brings us back to Melleray Grotto and the conditional prophecy: "if the world does not improve." The Era of Peace is not conditional, the same with the ten secrets of Medjugorje and Garabandal's first three prophecies. These will transpire. Only the fourth prophecy from Garabandal, the Chastisement, is conditional. Yet in general, the degree of punishment from God is conditioned on our response. Indeed, if a Pope would have consecrated Russia to the Immaculate Heart as requested, the transition would have been much smoother. But as that, objectively, has not been done -- things will not be so pleasant. While there are always bright spots, it is evident the world did not greatly improve since 1985. It thus is fitting Jorge Bergoglio was given power, who is an unprecedented bad Pope on many accounts, including formal accusations of heresy by competent theologians.
The Devil is in the Details
It would take ten times ten years to enumerate all of Francis’s pernicious doings. Just one example is the "smudging" escapade in Canada that Archbishop Viganò justly portrays as diabolic. But again, this didn't happen in a vacuum. It deals with "the new faith" being created. In 1965, Annibale Bugnini, like a true Freemason, roughly said:
We must strip from our Catholic prayers and from the Catholic liturgy everything which can be the shadow of a stumbling block for our separated brethren that is for the Protestants...
The above is bantered around as an actual quote. While it captures the true Bugnini, it is a paraphrase that takes several liberties. The actual quote is:
The “painful sacrifices” were modifications to the 7th prayer for the Good Friday liturgy. This regards the “Jewish people”, which ostensibly is the context. Yet, it morphs into “union of the separated brethren,” which generally refers to the Protestants. Wiping away the crocodile tears and obfuscation, the quote remains is a textbook example of false ecumenism. True ecumenism cannot water down the faith, by definition. The real quote is less direct, but not much less pernicious. While the new English translation (2011) addressed many of the problems, the new Mass is still is covered with Bugnini’s fingerprints. Liturgical questions are generally deep and complex. But placing Bugnini on the table of plenty, the surface should at least be scratched here. José Antonio Ureta raised four points in his critique of Desiderio Desideravi (Apostolic Letter on the liturgy, June 29, 2022). His second point is "the Paschal mystery as the center of the celebration." Citing the traditional teaching from Saint Augustine that Christ "buys with His blood," Pius XII wrote in the encyclical Mediator Dei (1947):
"Since His bitter sufferings constitute the principal mystery of our redemption, it is only fitting that the Catholic faith should give it the greatest prominence. This mystery is the very center of divine worship."
That is, until Vatican II wherein Sacrosanctum Concilium stated:
"He achieved His task principally by the paschal mystery of His blessed passion, resurrection from the dead, and the glorious ascension,"
This may appear innocuous, but it dilutes the importance of the Passion in the Redemption. José Ureta's third point, changing the "Sacrifice of Calvary to Memorial of Presence" follows the same pattern, though this one clashes with the Council of Trent. So, are these new interpretations compatible with the "old" Faith? The "most advanced innovators... openly say that there are two incompatible liturgical stances that correspond to two incompatible dogmatic stances." Ureta further writes:
"That is why the Jesuit we have been quoting, Fr. Martín-Moreno, so vehemently insists that the “new Mass” definitively supplants (and, it must be said, repudiates) the theological orientation and stance of the old Mass."
Ureta summarizes by saying the "Modernist hot-heads consider that the rite of St. Pius V is the Mass 'of another faith' mainly for theological reasons." And says, traditionalists "do not and cannot accept the new rite is 'the unique expression the lex orandi of the Roman Rite'" precisely because of the theology of the perennial faith. In speaking of the traditionalists in Desiderio Desideravi, Pope Francis says the problem is not "a simple divergence between different tastes concerning a particular ritual form. The problematic is primarily ecclesiological." His teaching is completely in line with the theology of the likes of Fr. Martín-Moreno, Jesuit Modernist hot-head extraordinaire. Welcome to the New Faith.
Unify and Conquer
Ultimately, for the Devil to take over the Church, gaining control over the papacy is necessary. An important dimension of this is a document from the Carbonari's Alta Vendita, the highest Freemason lodge in Italy. Around 1859, the Vatican obtained a copy of a secret document entitled The Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita, which outlined their strategy to destroy the Catholic Church, from within and without. Specifically, their goal deals with "in order to secure to us a Pope according to our own heart." In the person of Pope Francis, did they succeed? A survey of the lodges after his election shows a positive response (here and here). The accolades expressed by Freemasonry should make one blush. It is one thing to love your enemies: it is quite another to be loved by your enemies. Yet, did they succeed? They probably would answer with a qualified yes, saying a Francis II or Lucifer I is still needed to finish the job. In the sentence immediately following the Desiderio Desideravi (DD) passage cited above, the Holy Father implicitly solicits counsel:
"I do not see how it is possible to say that one recognizes the validity of the Council... and at the same time not accept the liturgical reform born out of Sacrosanctum Concilium..."
To that, an answer will be gladly provided. The problem resides in the question. Vatican II was a heretical Council, but only 2% heretical. The above DD section promptly closes with "the vision of Church so admirably described in Lumen gentium." Significantly, Lumen Gentium was the birthplace of:
While 2% of the Council Fathers were behind the cabal to hijack the Council, the problem is ten times worse today, making Vatican II 20% heretical (accuracy of plus/minus 200%). In fine, the problem chiefly regards interpretation. A young Father Ratzinger served as an expert at Vatican II. In 1988, then Prefect of the CDF, Cardinal Ratzinger said:
Unsurprisingly in DD, Pope Francis doesn't mention Ratzinger, subsequently elected as Pope Benedict XVI. For Benedict clearly embraced the Council, but not its extreme interpretations. Calling the new Mass the "the unique expression... of the Roman Rite" is a slap in the face to his Summorum Pontificum, not to mention the Council of Trent. There is no reason to believe that orthodox theology could yield the same conclusions as the Modernist hot-heads. Indeed, Canon 6 (Trent: Session 22) states:
"If any one shall say, that the canon of the mass contains errors, and is therefore to be abrogated; let him be anathema."
The ice is awfully thin on the doctrine development bridge from there to Francis' DD. Moreover, even a modestly responsible and mildly competent individual would first establish the foundation before building, or at least stop when grave problems became blatantly manifest. Ostensibly, the reason Pope Francis does not explicitly state his theology is because he knows it isn't orthodox. And this is not the first time he has pulled this stunt. The conclusion evidently is this. Pope Francis is a Modernist (i.e. a heretic). For, if not, then Freemasonry must love him for all of the wrong reasons.
The Tier of Knots
There are several other prophecies from contemporary Marian apparitions that together help weave the coherent tapestry being presented. Firstly, the last message from Garabandal (June 18, 1965) includes: "Many Cardinals, many Bishops and many Priests are on the road to perdition and are taking many souls with them." This message caused quite a stir at the time because the corruption in the Church was then not publicly known. Today, adding "One Pope" to the list basically expresses the Melleray Grotto's prophecy, which came exactly two decades and 66 days later, inclusive counting7. The language from Akita, Japan also has relevance with the Virgin warning "the work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church." This predates the Melleray Grotto message by 11 years and 313 days8. But what particularly ties the 266thPope into the tapestry is a locution to Father Gobbi , which came 4 years minus 66 days after Melleray Grotto, exclusive counting9. This often quoted message (#407) describes three symbolic but quasi-literal time periods of 666 years each wherein the Antichrist is manifested in a particular way. For the last period (the present), Freemasonry and its Ecclesiastical form will accomplish "its great design: that of setting up an idol to put in the place of Christ and his Church. A false christ and a false church." This ultimately pertains to "then the door will be open for... the Antichrist!" The stage is thus being set with events such as Pope Francis placing an idol of Pachamama on the altar (via a bowl of soil) when celebrating Mass. And of course, creating Cardinals like Robert McElroy, who covered up a confessed predatory priest that performed a blasphemous Mass for what the victim's exorcist believed was grooming for a Satanic Black Mass. The Church, of course, is much larger than the head in terms of its Vicar. But the hierarchy is impregnated with substantial corruption with much of the rest of body (the laity) suffering from the same. However, obviously, "take over the Church" is a colloquial expression. The takeover is far from absolute, in every aspect; nor can the Church be destroyed. Moreover, the Devil has not just taken over the Church but rather the whole world. Again, this is limited but clearly quite massive. Some are quick to dismiss the entire underlying notion being discussed by noting the Church has gone through many difficult times in the past. But that misses the point, completely. It also misses the mark, completely. Pop Quiz: name the Popes who wanted to legalize sodomy? The list is short: only the 266th. To rephrase Bugnini's mantra into Pope Freemason speak:
We must strip from our civil laws every Catholic principle, nay every Christian principle that can be the shadow of a stumbling block to the Brotherhood.
The fundamental goals of Jorge Bergoglio's papacy correlates exactly with what Sister Lucia of Fatima had written:
Sister Lucia added "don’t be afraid" before concluding: "Our Lady has already crushed its head." This is the primary point. At the July apparition in Fatima, Mary said in self-reference: "because only She can help you." Namely, the Most Holy Trinity has entrusted to the Blessed Virgin the victory in the current battle in a very special manner. Indeed, the forthcoming victory will be Her greatest to date because the battle is also the greatest. This follows from La Salette, which covers events through the Anti-Christ. The theme being developed at Mediatrix Media is there are two phases to essentially one battle. The first phase leads up to the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart, which inaugurates the Era of Peace. But this Era is a short period whereafter the battle resumes culminating in the defeat of the Anti-Christ. Interestingly, the two phases implied by La Salette has an earlier purported prediction, though more hidden. The prophecy attributed to Saint Malachy (1148†) is a list of 112 Popes from his time to the end of the world. But before the last entry, there is a sentence forming its own paragraph: “In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church there will sit”: only then comes the 112th entry regarding Peter the Roman. Many interpret the list as stopping at 111 followed by a period before the last Pope. Since the end of the world cannot be revealed, this actually is the only orthodox interpretation possible. It is also noteworthy there is no mention of the Anti-Christ. The period following the 111th contains three Ends:
1) End of Times: followed by the Era of Peace 2) End Times: followed by the Millennium 3) End of Time: followed by Heaven
This is taking as literal the Millennium and Apocalpse 20:8 regarding Gog and Magog (the Church is silent on this). This denotes that after Anti-Christ’s defeat per Item 2, history continues. Malachy only mentions the “final persecution” regarding Peter the Roman coupled with “and the dreadful judge will judge his people.” This is Item 3. La Salette provides clarity by revealing there is an “end of times” phase integrally linked to the Anti-Christ that precedes his coming. These are Items 1 and 2 with Garabandal being explicit on Item 1. The logical implication is Malachy’s list will break at a critical juncture that is substantially associated with the end of the world. Per cited Marian apparitions, this is Item 1. In other words, the 111th coincides with the last Pope of Garabandal: the one before “the end of times.” If you haven’t already surmised, both prophecies name the same person: Pope Benedict XVI. There is one stickler though: the Saint Malachy prophecy was first published in 1595, which raises authenticity questions since its historicity cannot be verified. Moreover, many consider it to be a forgery, which is also the position taken in Mediatrix Media’s analysis in spite of it accurately predicting Benedict XVI.
Destroy this Temple and in Three Days I will Raise It Up
Jesus answered with those words to the demand for a sign upon which “The Jews then said: Six and forty years was this temple in building; and wilt thou raise it three days?”10 In the latest episode, the money changers were not driven out with a whip. Rather, 493 years prior, His Mother left a sign that was just uncovered by an Italian astronomer during the waning days of the Synod on Synodality. Alessandro Massano observed the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe reveals something about the remaining Popes. In the 1990s, it was discovered that “the forty-six stars visible on Guadalupe’s mantle are the exact representation of the constellations in the night sky over Mexico on 12/12/1531.” What Massano discovered is equally astounding: the 46 stars represent the Popes elected after the apparition. The last Pope was Benedict XVI – the same man prophesized at Garabandal and via the Saint Malachy list. It can be firmly asserted that the 46 stars and Popes are linked because the 14 visible constellations11 on the mantle closely correlate with the names of the 46 Popes. In particular, the tilma only partially represents the constellations: e.g. only one star is present for Draco whereas Ursa Major has 9 of the stars present on the mantle. Regarding papal names, Paul occurs 4 times (III, IV, V, VI) with Benedict also having 4 occurrences (XIII, XIV, XV, XVI). However, there are 14 unique names within the 46 Popes. This gives rise to two sequences: i) the frequency per papal name and ii) the star count present per constellation (the sum for both sequences totals to 46). This is illustrated below.12
The numbers of the two sequences are identical. Massano said its probability is effectively zero because the improbabilities13 he calculated were so astronomical. However, this extreme value seems questionable, though even a rough estimate makes viewing it as a coincidence quite hard. See Appendix A for details and additional commentary, including a brief discussion on the pagan constellation naming. From what is currently known, the meaning of the last Pope was not revealed on the Guadalupe Image. But it does confirm the Garabandal and Saint Malachy prophecies whose meaning is known, as expressed above. So the plot thickens in the world of Marian apparitions. Moreover, it is increasingly evident that the current times are part of the monumental “End of Time” battle, which even a cursory understanding of world news demonstrates, though principally the battle is being waged within the hearts and souls of man. This state of affairs, unprecedented in degree and nature, is collaborated by the June 25th, 2022 message from Medjugorje:
"I am with you also in these days when Satan is fighting for war and hatred. Division is strong and evil is at work in man as never before."
But to close, let us return to the title story. Mount Melleray is part of the Knockmealdown Mountains in Ireland. The grotto is a small niche on the mountain side. This is a Lourdes shrine comprising a statue of the Immaculate Conception plus a statue of Bernadette, below the grotto near a stream. There are three benches and a kneeler facing the statues. It is a small affair, built by a Cistercian monk belonging to the monastery on the mountain top. Just three years passed from placing the statues to the Immaculata coming in person. Her message was short and similar to the messages from this era, which fundamentally is a call to conversion. In nine days, the apparitions would be over, though the three young visionaries would never forget. Neither should Mary's words spoken there be forgotten. And especially, Her persistent plea for our prayers – the prayers necessary for the victory.