

Title Posted Updated Image
Lipa Is Approved 2/11/2024 4/20/2024

Investigates the virtual "approval" based on an asserted invalid promulgation, plus extensive analysis of the internal contradictions of the Prioress' confession.

The Devil has taken over the Church! 8/28/2023 1/06/2025

Reviews Melleray Grotto within the context of recent Marian apparitions.

The No Motto Saint Malachy Prophecy 8/28/2023 08/28/2023

Examines the Saint Malachy Prophecy in the light of Garabandal.

Lipa – Approved!? 9/28/2020 01/21/2024

Reviews Father Angel de Blas' Jounal on Lipa.  Bonus: as the 1951 papal decree was never promulgated, Lipa is actually an approved apparition, right?

Universal Acceptance for Everyone? 6/30/2020 6/30/2020

Inquiry of Bergoglio's "acceptance" to uphold the papal office in the light of Universal Acceptance.

1 Supreme + 1 Supreme = 2 Supremes 5/31/2020 6/30/2020

Examines Lumen Gentium's theory of dual supremes.

The Pope’s Ouija Board 5/31/2018 6/18/2018

Demonstrates how Pope Francis' social principle "Time is greater than Space" works like a Ouija Board.


Lipa - Rock Crushes Can? 8/05/2017 8/09/2020

What results when the contentious alleged apparition at Lipa is combined with the controversial document Amoris Laetitia?  Could the concoction be comedy?


Noon Shift At MMP Corral 4/10/2017 8/09/2020

Gives an answer to the MMP year 2000 prophecy issue by taking into account the chronology revealed at La Salette.


The Only Honest Protestant 10/7/2016 3/15/2017

Demonstrates that Sola Scriptura is a logically impossible.

Do You See What I See 2/8/2016 4/18/2016

Presents a new mystery regarding Our Lady of Guadalupe, plus a fresh discussion of other prior mysteries.


More Than Questionable 10/2/2015 10/2/2015

Provides an interesting defense regarding the question of the Medjugorje villagers providing lodging for the pilgrims and visionaries owning 'hotels'

For You 5/31/2014 5/31/2014

The great benefit of consecrating oneself to the Queen of Heaven under the title of Mediatrix of all Grace.


Behold Your Mother 6/25/2010 11/15/2015

In this hour of decision, the Blessed Mother is coming to Medjugorje. The Virgin is giving messages to the world "like never before in history since the beginning of time."



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The Heresy of Modernism 5/31/2018 6/18/2018

A short primer that describes the basic tenets of Modernism.


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Thomas Aquinas Was Wrong 2/20/2022 2/20/2022

Examines Christ's intelligence with respect to His Incarnation.

Saint Augustine Was Wrong 8/19/2016 8/19/2016

Examines membership in the Mystical Body of Christ within the light of Queenship.

(all essays and syllogisms authored by Steven Degele)