Privacy Policy Changes
The changes to our privacy policy over time are documented below. They are grouped by the revision date wherein only modifications and fragments of the original are shown. The original text is Black, additions are Blue, and deletions are Strike-Through.
June 25, 2015
Gift certificates:
When you send a gift certificate, the recipient also receives your email address in case they want to decline.
May 31, 2015
All data is strongly encrypted. The payment interface also uses cookies for its secure processing.
May 25, 2015
Order history:
For tax purposes, we also track if an order is shipped within the state of North Dakota the state if we collect sales tax for that state.
Gift certificates:
When you purchase gift certificates, we store the recipient data for redeemed certificates and temporary store your shipping address so we can post a closing transaction if necessary. Notes such as gift notes and thank you notes are also stored to prevent abuse, but these are deleted after the retention period expires.
May 31, 2014
The original privacy policy. |